Voter Contact 101

In this course you will learn how to identify supporters and potential supporters, build an effective voter contact plan, and train your volunteers:

  • how a voter contact encounter works and what data you want to get out of it
  • how to analyze voter contact data and prioritize polls for efficient voter contact
  • how to train your voter contact volunteers and  run a door canvass and phone bank


This is a 3 hour course:

Introduction to voter contact: 1hr

  • identification and persuasion
  • close reading of a voter contact encounter


Who to contact & How: 1 hr

  • understanding your electoral area through community make-up and past results,
  • using the appropriate method of contact, and
  • analyzing how you are doing; prioritizing polls exercise


Training and Operations: 1 hr

  • how to get the most out of your volunteers, and
  • how to run a door canvass and phone bank;
  • leading a training session and putting together maps


Instructor: Andrew Radzik


Andrew Radzik is the former Outreach Director for the Wilderness Committee, the former Director of Organizing for Vision Vancouver, and was the voter contact organizer for George Heyman's successful 2013 campaign in Vancouver-Fairview. He's currently working on member engagement and data projects for the BCGEU. His hobbies include karaoke, not getting enough sleep, and contemplating his eventual baldness.