In this course you will become familiar with the basics of NationBuilder and how to use this tool to effectively support a data-driven campaign. You will be given access to your own NationBuilder account for the purpose of this training session, and will be completing exercises throughout the day in order that you may receive ample opportunity to get hands-on experience with the software.
This course will teach you:
- how to navigate NationBuilder
- how to print walk sheets for foot canvassing
- how to print maps and cut turf
- how to organize volunteers through NationBuilder
- how to integrate your NationBuilder data with Social Media
- data-driven campaigning
- basic computer skills
- a laptop
- basic understanding of political campaigning
This is a 6 hour course:
Introductions, Highlights & Limitations of NationBuilder, Compatibility with other CRMs - 1hr
Basics of the database - 1 hr
Volunteer coordination, Social Media integration - 1hr
List building, Phone banks - 1 hr
Foot canvassing & Data entry - 1hr
Turf cutting, Poll-by-poll riding targeting, Permissions - 1hr
Instructor: Stefan Avlijas
An IT consultant and community organizer, Stefan finds himself on the front lines of where campaign organizing meets high-tech implementation. Fostering his love of computers and data at an early age, he has carved out a niche leveraging the power of technology to connect people to the campaigns and communities they care about.