Fundraising 101

Fundraising is often considered the necessary evil in campaigns, with those interested in doing it drawn more toward planning than in actually asking. This course is intended for those without fundraising experience, or for those finding the fundraising conversation discouraging. Its focus is primarily on the direct-ask conversation and does not cover electronic fundraising. 

This course will teach you:

  • how to set realistic fundraising goals
  • how to build your lists
  • how to structure a basic fundraising conversation
  • how to respectfully respond to objections; how to get to the "yes"
  • how and when to host profitable events
  • basic direct mail tips

This course is 5 hours long, with a break for lunch:

Introductions: 30min

Making a Fundraising Plan: 1hr

  • setting a goal
  • building your list
  • avoiding donor fatigue
  • communicating & storing donor contact records
  • setting a timeline

Asking: 2hr

  • body language & attitude
  • the fundraising conversation    (interactive activity)
  • responding to objections    (interactive activity)
  • how to get for monthly donations

Hosting Events: 1hr

  • making a plan
  • selling tickets
  • working with volunteers

Direct Mail: 30min

  • literature comparison
  • structuring your letter


Instructor: Amanda van Baarsen

Amanda began her fundraising career as the Vancouver Neighborhood Program Manager for Public Outreach, a international Face-to-Face Fundraising agency dedicated to building a sustainable charitable sector. She has since worked as a fundraiser for several non-profit and political campaigns, most notably as the Fundraising Director for the Adrian Dix Leadership Campaign of 2011, raising twice the total amount in donations as the candidate with the second highest number of votes.